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Cleaning Products - Page 2

Soap Nuts
Soapnuts are a natural, organic, environmentally friendly alternative to soap, detergent and shampoo. 1 kg of soapnuts can be used for more than 100 loads of laundry. Soapnuts (Sapindus Trifoliatus) are grown in India and Nepal, harvested sustainably in October from 15m high trees. The soapnuts are sticky and golden in colour when removed changing to reddish brown when dried. Soapnut shells contain saponin (a natural detergent) and when they come in contact with water they make mild suds. Soapnuts are a natural, organic, environmentally friendly alternative to soap, detergent and shampoo.


Selly Green, Natural Cleansing Products
Containing Essential Oils. Handcleanser, Glass Cleaner, Degreaser, Liquid Soap, etc. Cellande are a range of natural cleansing and cleaning products. They contain essential oils, have not been tested on animals, contain no animal ingredients, are not-toxic, solvent-free, biodegradable, skin care range is hypo allergenic, and suitable for most sensitive skins, etc.

Products available: Palms Handcleanser, Liquid Soap, Glass & Plastic Cleaner, Cellens Cotton Cloths, Degreaser, etc.

These products have been available to industry, office and retail for over 15 years. Now our products are available to all at our 'Online Shop' with secure credit card ordering.


Greenearth's Choice
We feature earth friendly cleaning and personal care products for home and industry.

Come and see our selection of earth friendly products. We feature household cleaning products, personal care products and a wide variety of industrial cleaning products. Our unique products are made with natural ingredients that are from renewable or sustainable resources. We have everything for the economical and environmentally friendly consumer. Product orders are shipped worldwide and usually within 24 hours. Our "Earth Facts" page and quarterly newsletter helps to educate and promote a global awareness of environmental facts and issues. Above all, we at Greenearth's Choice are dedicated to outstanding customer service.


Enviro-One Green Cleaner
Try Enviro-One Multi-Use Green Cleaner and never use toxic cleaners again.

Are you still looking for cleaning products that can clean as well as or even better than most well-known national brands but without the dangerous chemicals that can bring harm to you and our environment? If you are, let us be the first to introduce you to the ONE!

Enviro-One Multi-Use Green Cleaner is the only Green Cleaner you will ever need! With just one solution, you will be able to do household cleaning, use for personal care, pet care and even industrial use.


Our company distributes throughout North America the E-cloth brand of environmentally friendly cleaning cloths. E-cloths are a high quality micro-fiber cleaning system which enables you to clean the home using just water - no toxic cleaning chemicals are required. The E-cloth cleaning system can be obtained from many of the natural product stores in Canada or purchased from us direct.


Daddy Van's All Natural Beeswax and Lavender Furniture Polish
Made with Unrefined Beeswax and pure Lavender Essential Oil, this paste wax nourishes and protects.

Made with Unrefined Beeswax and pure Lavender Essential Oil, this paste wax nourishes and protects as it cleans, giving furniture, floors and cabinetry a rich, deep glow. Naturally chemical and solvent-free.


Blue Wonder Cloth
Microfiber cleaning cloths and mops that provide an environmentally friendly way of cleaning household products like mirrors, windows and appliances. Dries streak free.


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