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Alternative Energy - Page 3

Solar Powered Laptop Charger
Solar gadgets are for great eco-travelling and eco travellers. The Solio iPod and mobile phone solar charger, solar headphones, wind-up radio and solar cool cap mean no need for batteries, so no pollution and can be used anywhere on your travels.

At last, a compact, fold up, solar panel kit that is powerful enough to charge a laptop. The Solar Gorilla has clever electronics built in, and its solar panels produce a staggering 10 Watts in direct sunlight, which is enough to run almost any portable electronic device including a laptop, notebook, mobile phone, sat nav, iPod, and more.


UK United Kingdom Solarsaver
Solar / Renewable Energy Systems, for business and domestic use. We have the "power" to help.

Over twenty-five years of experience in renewable energy and operates at the leading edge for an energy efficient environment in the commercial, industrial and domestic markets. The companies major activities are in the design, specification, supply and installation of state of the art Solar and Renewable Energy Systems.


usa My Solar Shop
My Solar Shop is family owned and operated specializing in solar lights and solar products for your landscape and garden. You will discover that we carry the largest selection of solar lights, solar water fountains and solar garden online.


usa Green Energy
Switching to green sounds onerous, but it's easier than you think. You can help protect the environment will any change you make, large or small. In the following paragraphs, you'll find tips that will help you switch to sources of green energy.


usa Portable Solar Power
If you are looking for high quality custom portable solar power generator systems and the latest in portable folding solar panel technology then you have come to the right place.

We are really good at creating custom reliable lightweight portable solar power systems that turn sunlight into electricity which can be used to power equipment or stored for later use, or both at the same time.

We specialize in rapid custom prototyping and quick turnaround times which helps you meet your client's needs. Contacts us so we can discuss all of your options so you know you are getting the best portable solar generator solution for your particular project's needs.

It is time for us to stop polluting our planet. And one easy step to take is to start using the power of the sun. Learn how to do it yourself and save money.


usa Long Island Power Solutions, Solar Power
Long Island Power Solutions, Solar Power with no out of pocket cost.

A PV Solar system can eliminate or at least drastically reduce your LIPA bill. Long Island Power Solutions has come up with a way to install a Solar System in your home with no out of pocket cost.


photovoltaic cells and solar modules from Hebe Solar
Chinese manufacturer of photovoltaic cells,photovoltaic modules and solar systems.

Chinese manufacturer of photovoltaic solar cells,photovoltaic modules,solar power panels and solar systems.


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